Saturday, September 22, 2018

pong game

How To Play The Volleyball?
Pong Game

My 3 Ideal Sketch
Outer Space

Mexico (Day Of The Dead)

Time Management


I choose this time management. cause in real life a lot of women also have this problem, this game is helping the girl dating on time. Time management is very important.

My Character
Daughter's Boyfriends

                                    She forget her dating date, and she have serious time management
Daughter's Mother

she is the helping her daughter makeup

Daughter's Bedroom

This is daughter room

Make Up 

when the girl touch this all element her face have change something


                              here is button and the bar is how much that you collect the element


How To Play

when her mother bounce her daughter up

her daughter move to mascara

when her daughter touch the mascara

her eyes have mascara

after collect the mascara it will come up another element (lipstick)

mother will keep helping her daughter catch the element



make her eyes bigger

her mother become more older

Daughter's boyfriend emotion

Daughter makeup

When mother throw daughter to catch the element

Daughter Room

daughter room add big rug will be batter


This love effect is when daughter make up the love effect will come out


the logo the "manege" change to management, the color and typo fell it comfortable

    Logo Gif

Win Scene

Lose Scene

How To Play

Game Play


i had check the grammar and the character emotion

This game call time management, to remind time management is very important.

The gameplay is collect element in 1min.
Mother help daughter make up.
Help daughter collect the element as fast as you can.

Player is happy mentality.
Help daughter collect the element as fast as you can.

Title Screen
Level Select
Inventory (make up)

End Credits
Higher Score

Third Progress

The love effect change to more fun effect it have butterfly, flower, rainbow and stars, here have 6 effect element if the character changing the element also change.

Make Up Element

the make up element merge the room color so i add the yellow color at the side make it more outstanding.


first the logo design to messy i clean up the logo

second is the logo unbalance so i make the word slanted make the logo balance 
also add the clock.

this is my final Logo.


also the problem is too messy i clean it up make it more clear.

How to play

i have change the tutorial more clear let the player more understanding


first the background is too much spacing, i add some
 lightning and the table add some book, hand phone and plant.

second the room also feel empty so i add some pattern on the floor and the sofa.
the rug is too outstanding so i change the color more darker.

Game Flow

Third Progress
 the character i have add some animate make it  more movement and interesting


The logo also add some animate at the clock, because this game is time management.


The room i have add some more love pattern at floor.

Win Scene

Win scene i have clean the yellow line more neat and clean also when the character win her eyes will move. 

Make Up

i let the element change to animate let the element moving make it more fun and interesting and easy to look.


first progress room

the first progress room only have simple bed, sofa dosen't have any interesting thing.

second progress room

so the second progress i have add some pattern on the bed is interesting but not too much thing.

Third Progress

The third progress i add some light and some book and phone at the table make it more thing add the room.

fourth progress

 The fourth progress i have add some love pattern on the floor also the sofa have dot pattern make it more interesting, and i try to make to room a bit not too bright.

fifth progress

This is fifth progress that i have add more love pattern on the floor make it more fun.


the video background also have changing it have add some light, book, lamp make it more thing and interesting.

How to play

i have change all the thing and add more information let the user easy to understanding.

pong game

How To Play The Volleyball? Pong Game My 3 Ideal Sketch Outer Space Mexico (Day Of The Dead) Time Management ...